3” Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference Proceedings
Presented by www.majesticdocuments.com
Examination of Reverse Engineering Claims
Robert M. Wood, Ph.D.
Copyright 2005 Robert M. Wood
1 UFOs
a History and perspective on science a Reverse engineering process
a Lt. Col. (ret) Philip Corso’s claims a Corso the man and his credibility
a Integrated circuits perspective
a Fiber optics perspective
a Conclusions and next steps
"Once you know it can be done, it’s just a matter of time” — Phil Corso
3 Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
a Scientists are interested in “why”
a Science deals with very small to very large
a Scientists try to understand “what is” a Scientists make discoveries
= Engineers are focused on “how”
a Engineers deal with man-sized use (but it’s expanding rapidly both ways)
= Engineers like to understand principles, but they'll skip that if it’s cheaper
a Engineers make inventions
= Engineers know the next breakthrough is just around the corner
IT SEEMS REASONABLE TO SSUME ONE SET OF LAWS IN OUR UNIVERSE = Let’s also assume there is no magic a Math and logic would seem universal
= Once we understand the principles, we can quantify, describe and replicate
= Such laws would have to subsume our concepts of time, distance, psychic events and communication
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic. ”-A.C. Clarke
Examination of Reverse Engineering Claims
Soviet pilot seeks asylum with MIG
MIG is sent to Foreign Technology (AF) Dissembled, understood
Mystery parts sent to appropriate contractor: what is it, how does it work, is it good, how much to make one?
You get patent if we get early edge
Standing beside the first crashed saucer - the scientist, engineer, officer or GI would have all been thinking, “How does it work?” Cape Girardeau in 1941 and Los Angeles in 1942 are near-certain recoveries for us to get started with
a A system would be set up to figure it out
The agencies did not share
("The Army wouldn't let us have it...Hoover, FBI)
3'd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
» Hughes Aircraft = Bell Labs and
= Dow Corning
“Dawn of a New Age,” Corso photo, EBE sketch, and letter in his typical writing
Examination of Reverse Engineering Claims
J CLAIMS IN “THE DAWN...” a Image intensifiers
a Fiber optics
a Super tenacity fibers Metals — molecular alignment Fluid amplification Transistors and integrated circuits High Altitude Research Project
a Psycho-chemicals
a Lasers
a First hand: “I saw...”, “I did...”, a Second hand or conjecture: “They saw...”, “They did...”
s Ambiguous claims: summary section seems to be “his opinion”
„= At least 130 pages hand printed
a Page 128 titled “Brain Entry”
a “I went to my UFO ‘junk drawer’ and pulled out an item...”
= “,..called the atomic lab at Ft. Belvoir”
= “We projected long, low waves...”
a “Small dots would light up...”
= ...Walter Reed, coordination with Ft. Monmouth
34 Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
a Born 1915, died in 1998 at 83 a Distinguished career « Citation, 44-45, Vatican diplomacy, no loss a Commendation Ribbon, 45-46, Rome Intel. = Oak Leaf Cluster, 51-53 N. Korea Intel. = Commendation Ribbon, 57-59, AJAX safety = Citation, 59-60, Management of 30K troops in Germany
a Retired as Lt. Col. After 21 years service
= 4 May 61 — Enroute to OCRD (Office of the Chief of Research and Development)
=a 26 Jun 61 — Staff O Plans Div
» 18 Apr 62 — Chief Foreign Technology Div = 18 Jul 62 — Staff O Plans Div
a 1 Mar 63 — Retired
but "I joined OCRD in early 1960”?
All above in OCRD
« “Eyes Only access at the NSC of W.H.” » Saw brown chip, one from North American Rockwell = “possibly extraterrestrial...” “Nine clearances above top secret” “I was Chief of Foreign Technology Div in Army R&D” (how long unclear) “Three most important findings I presented to the General on UFO material... =a “Piece... whose atoms or molecules were aligned” = “Photograph and findings on supposedly alien bodies” « “The chip...revolutionize the world...space travel” “1957 crash just west of Red Canyon” = “...I had access to German discoveries we captured...”
Examination of Reverse Engineering Claims
“thrown in with great men...”
“,..chip should have taken centuries...”
“some sort of being in a photograph...”
“They (2 f.s.) dissolve in a transparent alignment of atoms” (75% accurate, 25% questionable)
“German scientists were of the opinion that...exit/entry into a time dimension”
“Items and data from UFOs found in USSR” (no source noted!) “As in the Philadelphia Experiment...”
“A report speculated that each fiber...atomic/molecular alignment”
“...mention of some sort of film over the eyeball”
“They also had a head band...possibly mental telepathy.”
“lack of information on the Roswell crashed saucer. (No mention of nourishment, water, refrigeration, medical, toilet, recreational)”
“ample evidence of alien activity on the Moon. 122 photos...”
Advanced propulsion systems
Superior medical techniques
Tampering with earth environment and food supply Abduction of humans at will, taking fluid and tissues Mutilation of cattle and other animals
Surveying (spying) on our atomic installations
Hindering missile and space equipment testing
Hampering our military preparedness and nuclear deterrent Halting reconnaissance of the moon and mars
Causing crashes of aircraft and casualties among our military and civilian population
Tampering with human and animal genetics
“In their animal and human mutilations, the aliens have shown a callous indifference concerning their victims. Their behavior has been insidious and it appears they might be using our earth and manipulating earth life. Skeptics will excuse them that possibly they are benevolent and want to help. However, there is no evidence that they have healed anyone or alleviated human ailments. On the other hand, they have caused pain, suffering and even death.”
3'4 Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
a Intensify “Star Wars” efforts, fire at their UFOs or mother ship
a Send a nuclear armed probe at Phobos on Mars
» Send an electromagnetic probe at the moon. (“De-gaussers as used in the Philadelphia experiment.”)
“Above should be done together with the Russians...
a I warned them, “Remember, I am not one of your college professors. I will hit you with reality, not theory, or fuzzy intellectual thinking.” ---after a farewell dinner
“The ‘debunkers’ and ‘skeptics’ were most useful. They did their job, so well, that we never had to set up or use ‘disinformation’ tactics. Most were honest and sincere in their beliefs and activities. This would have been most difficult to match by a plan, or a ‘black’ propaganda operation.”
Examination of Reverse Engineering Claims
a Highly intelligent
a An Army product
a Limited civilian academic training
a Logical thinker
a Exposed to craft, some documentation Highly cleared, but not to MJ-12 U.S. Army focus and exposure High integrity, poor memory for dates
a “,,,optical wave guide fibers similar to glass rods except they are flexible and have a plastic cladding wrap.” — R&D Lab to Commanding Genl, 2 Sep 47
a Specific Corso reference to Corning a Dow Corning patents in this area
a Name, timing of patent holders
» Circle of friendships
=a “,,.grid-like lines intersecting groups of dots arranged in circular patterns.” — Twining to Truman, 19 Sep 47
a First references to “integrated circuit” s Comprehensive history by Kuijsten
= Shockley links to war, Bush, R&D
a IC patent holders were proteges
3 Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
z Texas Instruments and RCA filed patents in 1959
= Reverse engineering was inevitable a Leaked documents confirm it
» Corso’s claims are not easily proven = His IC claims seem quite inaccurate
a His fiber optic claims should be further explored via patent searches
= Nobody is claiming travel or propulsion
a Reverse engineering began in the early 40s, not the late 50’s
a Brinkman, William et al. 1997. A History of the Invention of the Transistor and Where It Will Lead Us. IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits 32, No.12, December 1997.
Kuijsten, Marcel. 2001. The Development of the Transistor & the Integrated Circuit: Exploring Col. Corso’s Claims of Extraterrestrial Reverse Engineering. Submitted for publication.
Hamilton, William. 2005. Reverse Engineering. See 3™ Annual Crash Retrieval Proceedings.
Researching the Energy Techology of UFOs
Tom Valone, Ph.D., PE
Panel Unss Study OF UFO Re “ports bower ere rn Set vaes Saver Cree an
3°59 Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
How Can We Visit Mars?
MAY? 10E4 Darty ater te Conings damer m HORA, Prete Red Re ea ht D Ml araga e
mes o a heeg T it oaia ie a arad errr
32 Nes
Ce pred tee Ne te hd a ewe ee tener md eo ere of pokes Pe X D) e cere? Pepeler Sewers. Miep, 500) meaty 0! `
jme 2010, like US 1970 peak, to which it never returns
2.1 trillion barrels est.
t 1.8 trillion barrels est.
1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 YENS We are herg
“We're pretending that business as usual will supply all our needs. But there's an impending oil crisis we're basically seeing, that will actually ite us sooner than we're expecting it and it's better to prepare for it now
Tom Valone, June 25, 2002 - CNN Moneyline
Researching The Engergy Technology of UFOs
Here’s Where We are Going
e In 2002, Senator Hillary Clinton calls for Apollo- sized ‘Smart Energy’ project: ApolloAlliance.org
¢ April 25, 2003, Science magazine “Planning for Future Energy Resources”
e July 25, 2004, LA Times, 18 sciéntists ‘search for entirely new carbon-free technologies’
a 2050 Project, 4000 remote viewers see 3’ x 3’ box providing decentralized power —Dr. Schwartz
Integrity. Research Institute
° ADVOCACY | FOR THE COMMON G GOOD without fa roii :)3 organizadon th
IRI Future Energy Projects
1) Electromagnetic Healing Devices
2) Permanent Magnetic Motors
3) Quantum Vacuum (Zero Point) Energy 4) Space Propulsion Energy
George Van Tassel & the > Antograiron
First * j Project “= #
3rd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
Besides the ET’s, George Van Tassel says in his book that he relied upon Georges Lakhovsky
T. Townsend Brown and Nikola Tesla for the design that includes an eric energy input
Tesla coil
1 N ikola Tesla
* Kents d Tesla Coil. _ ae Pie ax
~ 1896398 if ater oe eisai n net c ricity» . ra =
pai ec tron Bins respond ed- Mi,
~ 1931 bik gu jet Lisp het i
“The body of a person may be subjected without danger to electrical pressures vastly in excess of any producible by ordinary apparatus, for they may amount to several million volts, as has been shown in actual practice....will likewise prove to be of value in electro-therapy.”
-The Electrical Engineer
Nov. 17, 1898
Electromagnetic HV Energy Medicine
* HF EMF penetrate several centimeters into body * Diseased cells have low transmembranc potential
* Low TMP = low Na-K pump & ATP impairment
“Electrons are antioxidants and HV strengthens immune response.” -vaione
Researching The Engergy Technology of UFOs
Hercules Machine - 1908 Dr Fred F. Stron
g 3{A-—Application of vacuum electrode lated banii
Photonic Rejuvenation Energizing Machine & Immunizing Electrification Radiator (PREMIER)
Dr. Jacqueline Panting
mattress upon which the a of the d’Arsonval trans-
3'd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
IRI Bioenergy Project:
* Recreation of the Autocondensation Couch in a more compact form
+ Oudin circuit design for balanced opposite polarity
* Whole body treatment
* Under development
Electric Energy Chair
Similar to Integratron
but more portable
And Now 3 Miles from the Integratron is GIANT ROCK, Our Link to the Second Project:
Homopolar Gencrators are “a subject worthy of further rescarch” THE HOMOPOLAR HANDBOOK Based on Sunburst: Return of the Ancients book by Norman Paulsen:
Giant Rock, Calif, saucer, photo, &
+ policeman who took the photo
“Magnets around the edge of a rotating disk”
“generator would be self-
Researching The Engergy Technology of UFOs
generation of a perpetual flow of electrical energy from each disc will continue as long as the discs rotate...this magnetic and gyroscopic effect creates its own gravity.” Ancient Elder on Mu Ship (from Paulsen’s Sunburst book, reprinted in
iige orient Mota
It exists in the atoms and in electron motion from ZPE
t lectrons have a gyromagnetie ratio | eh ae 2.0 42 Nonlinear. inhomouenceus magnetic fields Pre duce a gradient
if tmey lncorenct in on ane | ao.
PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE OF THE panpana mma hatra {secu A aran Sti Saas THIRD KINO UNel Use mum of Une moments of ineros of a plane kamias shout ny revo porpenditieher anes bo te pinan of Gs taalaa WAGE
to Use moment of inertia ebow!l an anis Onroueh eir iasant
which has a componee hat can costaue ssampa n a mparoemiurtor,
AkeGraw-Ilill Dict Of Phys. & Math, 1978
*magncetic dipole moment / angular momentum
A Possible Embodiment of the Paulsen Mu Disc is the
Searl Disk and the MEC”
Ihe ie
Roller magnets Ed so N
The Ssoes oof Jaha R; R Sew)
ps rc = : ter f S
US Patent 6,822,361 drafted by ~
Spatial magnetic field increase (50 mT) coaxially 7° C (13 ° F) temperature drop up to 15 meters away Improved efficiency with 20 kV applied high voltage Energy & Propulsion Systems, LLG Exponential speed increase
3'd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
The Russian MEC Inventors, Godin and Roshchin at the US DOE
Magaetic rotor is increasingly repelled from spiral Stator Magart causing Torque and increasing rowtion speed.
* As the rotor magnet reaches the end of the spiral a Light Sensor ingyers the electromagnet to fire giving off a Magnetic Polse m the same polanty of the rotor magnet
* Pulse sends the Rotor Magnet past the mogneuc field gap to begin the revolution agam.
Magaetic Gradient also used in the Stem-Gerlach physics expersment
* Japanese "Magactic Wankel Kure Tekkosho Company io Pop. Sei.. 1979
Inhomogencous magnetic fields (dB/d0) create the circumferential force (F)
IRI Spiral Motor Proje c tiknan oaeen onan
Magnetic Force Controller
Replace old- fashioned electromagnet design with solid state :. combination for 23% of the power consumption for switching magnetic pulses.
* JEEE Transactions on Magnetics, V. 39,
Researching The Engergy Technology of UFOs
Electric Iywheel (1
. High strength fiber is 3.6x steci w, o danger * Safe even past 17,000 RPM, 98% efiewny 2S Hp up te 30 Hp bursts
I0 kWh and 10 \fWh
Discover, August 1976 IEEE Spectrum, July 1997
The Stern-Gerlach Experiment and Electron Spin - . . _ The net Force created or. Sehaareen's Ouchor Seren, Goose .MeGrom MARION tk ey Een +T] on the ball bearing = ESAI M Oa aa itè the magnetic field = gradient multiplied by the indaced magnetic moment. as with the Sterm-Gerlach
p Dear the Nai surface betes, creation » slope Ne È: Experiment ju a graph of B ve z, which h the cradieat dh de. $
semnase i B sai dJ A p N pa daa ae
= J IRL Lab Measurements
feet § tem A ene magnet =i ER degress
Field Sevwngih D vot
agin +e
Unique magnet alignment 3500 RPM operation 20 kW delivery ? Uses NdFeB magnets Public domain invention
T : K Innovative, maybe patentable (iiaee suwing $- | improvements likely
3rd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
Zero-point eneray Is not
conserved (open system)
Helium stays liquid < 1°K
ZPE density = 220 erg/cc in Quantum fluctuations of the optical region (ref. Milonni) vacuum create virtual particles =
(real for an instant) that produce
shiclding & mechanical force
Koltick electron experiment
What? * Random Electromagnetic waves remain afer all energy is removed
* Enormous energy density: 1024 to 10% Joules/m3 + Theorized to Indirectly cause gravity and Inertia
* As on energy source? + As a reactive medium?
| IA Wavavaatavava! § AAAA AAAA An
Nel pressure rom exchided wavelen ghs
* Metal-mctal #3,890,161 = * Capasso #4,704,622 * Yater patent #4,004,210
* Peptide molecular photodiodes | nm across
Yasutoml ct al, 2004 Science 304 1944
Researching The Engergy Technology of UFOs
microns š lasers (RS) a Similar to Forward’s “parking ramp” Movable and fixed optically controlled vacuum cnergy transducer @ 10 kHz Power = 0.5 nW
10 microjoules/cm? for every cycle
- ScienceTimes _
Ehe New ork Eimes
Physicists Confirm Power of Nothing, Measuring Force of Quantum ‘Foam’
Phuctuatona in the vacuum are the unrversal pulse of eusten e.
3d Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
Motion from ZPE Vacuum Fluctuations
* Quantum vacuum creates momentum difference (red vs. bluc) in diclectric media and thus motion V Let E= 100 kV/m and B= 17 Tesla (or 170 kG). Then, V = 50 microns/sec Feigel is the first physicist to usc ZPE to satisfy energy conservation
* Phys. Rev. Len.. Vol. 92. 2004
Hydrodynamic Model of Vehicle Interactions with ZPF
Fronig solved Euler eqs = of fluid dynamics with
vacuum perturbed by toroidal EM ficld e
ZPF loses its drag when T=0K
Only directional accelerating recoil Icft
Transfers cnergy from ZPF to vehicle
Historical Antigravity Research THE HUNT FOR ZERO POINT
The Stors of -R. Seurt
Random House Publishers
Researching The Engergy Technology of UFOs
PA UL R Former NASA scientist. learned
from cyc Witnesses, and CIES ‘ =e 2 Fremounton 1956 film of a UFO. Calculated incrtia-frec turns and force ficld propulsion.
a Eta scientific -Ai analysis pA Pigura ZIA Sistrdegree banking berne. haiie one ai = a me ™~ = “ Vase eo Figure Xid. Sauser Making 10 g Reversal.
-1s - 4
Force Field: oae 5 Nuciesr JRR Sear &TT Strong Force Brown
extended \
.., Lazar ufo |.
i: act A
A focal porni
torond conturing electrotytic flud 3nd metalic suspenscuds
3'd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
> 1 poian rad inges 1 z
N torgs eroh ‘
at the topaia Were aesernittns roete Peet the migetg far ines s Fe of OCU Charge can be cunnen through he planetary aeee mich terete bo Cortera sorme of a urge bak nee the tered Aso meem Va ihe ton
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et ee ee T (me tee exe ot te bee whe) ete ae eee
{med Os ew = se oe teen heer
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* Electrogravitics propulsion - 120° conductor placement
hd em at mm Lat pe Ae weet met grad) A doan thee per hren pat dte a paraire chnal tw apama cand d inepe aei manad megane teady rantan, Aae the ner arf d m maser nens Coats On n emma sart ot eaa anaana aa aai thee e aba see mend nnd mw rah
Researching The Engergy Technology of UFOs
DER 3 PHYSICAL REVIEW A VOLUME 4t, NUMDER Incrtie as a zero-point-field Lorestz force
Bernbars Han - aiis Kewarth Lasers SOE maa 9) aa? JI 1251 fhemcwer Street. nes Caime HI aad Mar Pieni Iar par) pmerarrermiache Paysi, DASTAC Gontang Gorse,
Alfons Rucds Q of Limaraal Eaguacerng, Calforwsa Sease Uaiereity, Lang Beach, Coiforest weed
IEE Adanred Lindie or Aasta $352 Poder Lens Won en Suche IIO dosta Tasas 17I? atese for Adoun
penato resi iver
Resistance to acceleration results from Davies- Unruh effect (acceleration-caused flux of radiation scattering)
F = (elc) v(t) ® B,,(0,t) = - [éh@?/2nc7Ja
BENEFITS OF INERTIAL SHIELDING Force = (inertial mass) °
A subject <ziCCC je worthy of research and
Dr. Bruce Cornet, geologist led group of eye witnesses
Photo credit: W. Marc Whitford
The Antigravity Research of T. Townsend Brown
Brown & Bahnson Lab studied electrogravitics designs and received over a dozen patents — US Patent cw Ds
eso we Flame jet
generator |
Charge distribution
Office of Naval Research tests show disc speed has 5th power dependence _ “envoltage —
Army Research ELECTRO
Lab tests show GRAVITICS \\
the Biefeld - Brown effect is related to ionic mobility and
Propion [Foercy (pe cer)
Dac Speed fries per tot
ee cecrtae cael Det CCH Of mostat? | ~ + OF ENTOC SYSTEM TOweeo aTe
“How | Control Gravitation” Science & invention T.T. Brown — Aua. 1929
be Small signal THE ZINSSER EFFECT Nearest
OF RUDOLF C. ZINSSER . production
iE Le
3'4 Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
Conquest of Gravity Aim Of Top Scientists in U.S.
' Non.22, 1955
SpoceShip Maryel Seen jf2 If Gravity 1. Outwitted dS
story by Mark McCandlish in Disclosure by Dr. Steven Greer and in Electrograviti cs Il by Tom Valone
Verified by Dr. Hal
` Puthoff, former CIA
Av lation Week & Sauce Technology. Maesch i. 2004
To the Stars
Zero point energyjemerges from realm of science fiction, may be key to deep-space travel WILLIAM E SCOTT/AUSTIN, TEX
Serena tapette of teriris waved wel 4:
noprench Gr speed ol BEM, ead mer hort
ead sear froni Se secu sf aese, yearn oe
Varginha, Brazil Crash Retrieval Case, January 1966
Roger Leir Copyright 2005 Roger Leir
From the research team of A.J. Gevaerd and Dr. Roger Leir comes the following, based upon their in-depth research into a spectacular series of alleged alien body recoveries in the
Varginha area of Brazil:
On 20 January 1996, around 8:30 a.m., the Varginha military police headquarters began to receive telephone calls from the district of Jardim Andere of Brazil, with reports that something strange was being seen in the neighborhood. Apparently some children had reported seeing a strange creature that looked half man and half animal and that was making a sound like “a sharp anguished cry.” The entity moved only when someone threw a pebble at it. The local police command then informed the ESA (Escola de Sargentos das Forgas Armadas—School of Sergeants of the Armed Forces) in the neighboring town of Trés Corações that something suspicious was being sighted and reported from Jardim Andere. The ESA sent off a military truck with two soldiers and a sergeant to the scene in Varginha. About 9 p.m., the 13" Company of Special Fire Brigade was ordered to send a garrison to the place under command of Major Maciel, Sergeant Palhares, Corporal Rubens, and privates Nivaldo and Santos.
Curious civilians were gathering around but were strictly told to evacuate the area. An hour later, a creature was spotted. It was captured with a net for catching animals. It offered little resistance and was placed within a wooden box, then loaded on the ESA truck. As it was put onto the truck, according to the Fire Brigade militaries, the alien let off a faint humming sound. The military truck headed ar full speed for the city of Três Corações. Just prior to the capture, shots were heard by witnesses who later saw troops carrying bags with something moving inside.
Later that day, around 3 p.m., the young women who would turn out to be the main witnesses in the case, Liliane de Fatima Silva, 16, her sister, Valquiria Aparecida Silva, 14, and their friend, Katia Xavier, 21, were walking along a pathway on their way home in the district of Jardim Andere, when they were startled by what appeared to be an odd-looking creature that seemed to be in great pain. The creature was crouched and leaning against the wall of a car repair shop. It had large, bulging, lidless red eyes with no irises, and they seemed to be fixed on the witnesses. Its head was disproportionably large with bumps on top and large veins on its base extending from the shoulders up the neck. Its skin seemed to be covered with a thick, shiny, wet and oily substance. Scared as they were, the three witnesses ran off. Later, as they were interviewed by researches, the girls would say that the strange bumps on the creature’s head resembled horns.
3'¢ Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
Still on 20 January, between 6:15 and 7:30 p.m., two officers from the Intelligence Service, Marco Eli Chereze and Eric Lopes, probably had the most unusual experience of their military lives, one that would end up being fatal to one of them. By then, the three girls’ story was spreading quickly. Ordered to patrol the Jardim Andere area after a most unusual rain that had fallen over the city, Chereze and Lopes saw something move out of the shadows in a nearby construction site and cross the path in front of their car. The officer driving the vehicle braked immediately. Both men got out.
Chereze saw it first. The apparent “animal” looked either hurt or feeble as it went into the pasture nearby. As both policemen approached the creature, they realized it was certainly not an animal. It was a person—a very different, weird, and apparently deformed person. It was naked and probably dying. In spite of the somewhat repugnant looks of the creature, they put it in their car and drove at once to a first-aid station. There, the attendant was appalled at the sight of the thing and refused to let it in, recommending that it be taken to a hospital or a zoo and concluding: “I don’t want to be in trouble here!”
The two officers took the creature to the Hospital Regional de Minas in downtown Varginha, where vain attempts were made to keep it from dying. The hospital suddenly got crowded with police and military personnel. In an attempt to help the dying alien breathe easier, Someone set it up with oxygen breathing apparatus, which was probably the cause of its accelerated death. The body was then transferred to Hospital Humanitas.
Dr. Fernando Eugênio Prado, responsible for the E.R. patients in the Hospital Regional that day, was barred from getting in by a stranger wearing medical gloves and apron. But he saw the inert body afterwards. He would declare during a medical congress towards the end of 1996 that he could not be sure whether it was a dead extraterrestrial, but it was certainly the strangest thing he had ever seen. Unfortunately, though, when he was interviewed by two UFO researchers investigating the case, Dr. Prado denied the truth of his statement, explaining that he’d said that only to put a stop to the mockery by some of his colleagues who were teasing him about the “Varginha ET”, because he lived in the town of Varginha and wanted everyone to stop mocking his town.
On 22 January, a military convoy headed for the School of Sergeants of the Armed Forces in the city of Três Corações carrying an awkward cargo, all sealed in heavy boxes. The next day, military vehicles rushed to Campinas, in the State of São Paulo, going straight to Unicamp, the State University in the city of Campinas, carrying two boxes. In one box was the body taken away from Hospital Humanitas, Varginha. The other box contained something living—perhaps the creature captured earlier on the 20" by the Fire Corps.
One of the creatures was taken to an underground laboratory in the premises of the state university. The box, with two holes on each side, was carried by two Army men. In the days that followed, a whole staff of scientists and physicians began to virtually live in those quarters of Unicamp, among them Dr. Fortunato Badan Palhares. Food was brought in at most irregular hours, including vegetables, fruit, milk, mixed soup and yogurt. There was no contact between the employees who carried the food around and the working doctors. The
Varginha, Brazil Crash Retrieval Case
food would be passed quickly through a door, which was just as quickly closed. Eventually, serum was requested.
On the 26", American militaries, as well as some NASA officials, arrived at Unicamp. The official purpose of the visit was to discuss the possible participation of Brazilian scientists in future space missions.
One of the most serious and regrettable incidents in the whole sequence of events was the death of Corporal Marco Eli Chereze, one of the officers from the Intelligence Service of the Military Police who took part in the capture of the second creature on the night of 20 January 1996. Witnesses say that the officer might have died of general infection after having touched the alien, which was specified in the necropsy report. However, his death certificate presents no defined cause for his death. A witness said that, at the moment of its capture, the creature made a slight movement that led the officer to touch its left arm without his gloves.
On the 23", Chereze’s father asked his son what was “all the nonsense” people had been talking about the rumors of the military having captured a little monster or strange being. With a serious countenance, Marco Eli Chereze replied that “it was no nonsense,” adding that a lot was yet to be said about the affair. On the 26", as his family watched the evening news talking about the Varginha ET, Marco said sternly, “Do not watch that sort of thing. It’s no good.”
On February 6, a small tumor similar to a boil appeared in Chereze’s armpit. The officer complained of severe pains in his back and was taken to the hospital. He underwent a minor surgery to have the tumor removed and was sent back home. On February 10, Chereze complained of pains in his back and high fever and was sent to Hospital Bom Pastor, where he was seen by a cardiologist named Dr. René. The doctor and his staff were unable to produce a precise diagnosis of his illness. He was transferred to Hospital Regional do Sul de Minas, where he died on February 16 of acute respiratory deficiency, septicemia and bacterial pneumonia.
Examinations prior to his death included urine tests, X-rays of his back, spine, and sacrum, and an orthopedic evaluation performed by Dr. Rogério Lemos. A disc hernia was possible. Blood tests showed a blood count with leucocytosis, left deviation, and toxic granulations of the neutrophils.
“These are signals of a significant infection, with high capacity to cause toxemia—not to my surprise, there were toxic granulations,’ Dr. Lemos said. Two antibiotics were prescribed, penicillin and gentamicin, since doctors thought that it might be a case of pneumonia, due to the location of the pain, or a urinary infection. HIV tests were also undertaken “since it was realized that he had an immunodeficiency.” A simple urinary infection or pneumonia, or both, “would not lead a person to a septicemia condition, taking two antibiotics. This is almost impossible and it only occurs in cases of immunodeficiency.” Despite the antibiotics, the infection was getting worse. Six hours later, Chereze died.
His body was taken for autopsy, which revealed a urinary tract infection caused by
3'3 Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference
enterobacteria, confirmed by examinations at Hospital Bom Pastor. There was also a lung infection—a small pneumonia. The doctor explained that it could not have been a case of congenital immunodeficiency; otherwise Chereze could not have lived to age 23 in good health. “For this reason, the immunodeficiency was surely acquired. How he acquired it, no one knows. I say the cause of death was not found because it wasn’t pneumonia, nor the urinary infection, nor the abscess that killed him. We still don’t know the cause.”
The blood count issued by the laboratory of clinical analysis of Hospital Bom Pastor revealed the following information: “Presence of cytoplasm vacuoles. Presence of fine toxic granulations in 8% of neutrophils. Little poikilocytosis.” Interpreting these data, cardiologist Cesário Furtado stated that “the fine toxic granulations appear in the neutrophils of a person
when he is being attacked by highly virulent bacteria. That forms a mass of combat—let's
call it that—that could reach 50% to 60%. The report shows 8% because it was the first blood test. It already shows an infection, which made us prescribe the two antibiotics.”
Their presence indicated serious infection. “But what led to death is yet unclear. An immunodeficiency, for sure... [But] I assure you that no abscess can cause an immunodeficiency. An abscess may even cause septicemia, but it can’t kill a person. Besides, any antibiotics can cure it. That was not the case. It was not the bacteria penetrating the arm that caused the infection.”
According to Dr. Furtado, Marco Eli Chereze had a “strange death, without a rational explanation. In the course of my professional life, 1 have seen two individuals aged about 25 die of an infection, but we knew that both had immune deficiency. Both of them, if I recall, had had removal of the spleen following an accident. After a certain delay, that causes immunodeficiency. In that situation, the person may decease rapidly if he finds himself in the condition of a septicemia. But, once again, this was not the case [with Chereze].”
Not long after the strange encounters reported by Liliane, Valquiria, Katia, and other civilian and military witnesses, other mysterious incidents were reported in Varginha that may or may not be related to the “ET” from Varginha, as the creature—or creatures—came to be known, but which certainly bring to mind the affairs involving the capture of both